Hiroyuki King King "The IQ for those who can afford and lack of money is 10 points different." Service that is made up of smart people

By : ilikephone / On : 09/12/2022

マネー|『ラクしてうまくいく生き方』#家計・節約#寄付2021/06/07 11:00PRESIDENT Online

* This article is a re -edited part of Hiroyuki's "Easy and Surprising way of life" (Kizuna Publishing).

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Recently, people who do not have much money to invest in the media and SNS.However, if I can say it, I think that asset management will be risky and there is no return unless you save more than 10 million yen.

論破王ひろゆき「経済的に余裕がある人と金欠の人のIQは10ポイント違う」 頭のよくない人で成り立つサービス

It sounds like an old idea, but we recommend saving more than investment.By the way, one of the reasons I recommend savings is that I don't lose my ability to think.Professor of the United States and psychology have announced the experimental results that if they are not financially blessed, their thinking will decrease ("always" you have no time.Sendir Murrinatan, Elder Chafile / Hayakawa Shobo).

In the Indian agricultural area, we conducted intelligence tests for farmers who are not enough money before harvest and farmers who have enough money after harvest.Then, the correct answer rate was about 25 % higher after harvest.This difference is equivalent to 9 to 10 points when replaced with IQ.The impact of money deficiency on intelligence seems to be a big deal.

However, even if you do not give such an experiment, people who do not have money will aim for one -shot reversal with gambling such as pachinko and horse racing.Furthermore, people who have no money have been caught by a clearly dedicated profit story and multi -commercial law, "I can make a profit!"

In other words, without money, it is easy to be duck.If you have a certain amount of savings, you will be able to afford it, and you will be less deceived by a sly smart person, so let's save more firmly than thinking about increasing it in investment.

次ページ123関連記事論破王ひろゆき「『自分はバカだ』と思える意識の低い凡人ほどラクして幸せに生きられる」「お金が貯まらない人の玄関先でよく見かける」1億円貯まる人は絶対に置かない"あるもの"会議で重箱の隅つつく「めんどくさい人」を一発で黙らせる天才的な質問ランキング #家計・節約#寄付#書籍抜粋