Population 1206.01 million, average age rises to 29 years old (Mexico) | region / Analysis report -Overseas business information -JETRO

By : ilikephone / On : 08/12/2022

According to the 2020 census survey announced on January 25, 2021 by the National Geographical Intelligence Service (INEGI), the population of Mexico was 126.01 million as of March 15, 2020.In the past 10 years, it has increased 13.07 million.However, the population growth rate is 1 per year..It dropped to 2 %.The average age also rose from 26 to 29, 10 years ago.Even in Mexico, a young population, there have been signs of aging.

In addition, the household penetration rate of cars is 44 in the past 10 years..2 % to 46.To 5 % 2.Only three points have risen.On the other hand, 65 mobile phones.1 % to 87.To 5 %, the Internet is 21.3 % to 52.Expanded to 1 %.There is a major change in the living environment.

The population growth rate is 1.Falling to 2 %, signs of aging

INEGI conducted a census every 10 years.It collects and announces various data on population, households, and housing.The 2020 census was conducted on March 2 to 27, 2020, just before the expansion of the new colon virus infection in Mexico.What was announced in January 2021 was about the basic question items, and this report is also based on the results.On March 16, results related to supplementary questions will be announced.

Looking at the main survey results (see Table 1), Mexico's population as of March 15, 2020 is 126,014,025.Of these, 48 men.8 %, women 51.According to 2 %.The average population growth rate in the past 10 years is an average of 1 year.2 %.1 from 1990 to 2000.9 %, 2000-2010 1.You can see that it is gradually decreasing compared to 4 %.Total special birth rate is 2.1, 10 years ago 2.It decreased from 3.Compared to the increase in Latin American countries extracted from the United Nations Statistics (World Population Prospect 2019), the population growth rate in Mexico is 0..78 %, 0 of Argentina.Higher than 96 %.But Chile (1).Almost the same rate as 24 %), 1 of Colombia.37 %, Peru 1.It will be lower than 58 %.The average age is 29 years old.Although it has risen from the age of 26 in 2010, it is still a young population structure.However, there are signs of declining birthrate and aging population.Looking at the ratio of the elderly population (aging index) of the age of 65 or older, which accounts for young population under 14 years old, 14 in 2000.6 %, 2010 21.From 3 % to 32 in 2020.It has risen to 5 %.

On the other hand, the ratio of the subordinate population (14 years old and 65 years old or older) in the employment population (15 to 64 years old) is 50..2 %.Last 55.It dropped further from 2 %.Mexico is in the population bonus period.According to the National Population Council (CONAPO) on September 14, 2018, the peak of population bonuses, whose subordinate ratio is the most declining, will arrive from 2029 to 2031.At this time, 45.It is expected to decrease to 85 %.

When creating a population pyramid at the age group at a 5 -year -old interval, the largest population is 10 to 14 years old.Overall 8.Occupies 70 %.The next one is in the 15-19 -year -old layer..59 %, 5-9 years old (8).56 %), 20-24 years old (8).Continue to 29 % (see Fig. 1).


Note 1: Annual average annual increase rate for the past 10 years.Note 2:14 The ratio of the population aged 65 or older to the population under the age of under the age of 65.Note 3:14 The ratio of the population between the ages of 3 and 65 or older is the population of 15 to 64.Note 4: The ratio of dwelling units with the goods and services of all dwelling units: INEGI, Censo de Población Y Vivienda 2000, 2010, 2020

Looking at the population of major metropolitan areas (see Figure 2), the metropolitan area of Mexico is 21,1804,515.17 of all population.According to 3 %.The second place is the Montelay city area in Nue Boreon.30 years from 2010.It increased by 1 % to 5,341,171, surpassing the metropolitan area of Guadalahara in Harrisco, which was second in the previous (2010) survey, (5,268,642 in 2020).Keletalo City metropolitan areas in Keletalo have the highest population growth rate over the past 10 years.45 in 10 years.It increased by 3 % to 1,594,212.

The educational environment has improved, but the college graduation ratio is still over 20 %

Looking at social indicators such as education and medical care, the average number of school years is 9 as of 2020..7 years.1 compared to 2010.One point has risen.In other words, the majority of people seem to have ended nine years of compulsory education.

The ratio of the population of high -education such as high schools and universities, which account for the population of 25 and over, was 21 in 2020..It was 6 %.10 years ago 4.It means that 0 points have risen.However, the average of OECD countries (2019) is 39.6 % (OECD, Education at a Glance 2020).It is not a higher ratio compared to other countries.

Health insurance cover rate is 73.5 %, 8 compared to 10 years ago.9 % points have risen.However, at the time of the Intermediate Survey in 2015 (a large -scale specimen survey on population and households).2 %, 82 as of the 2017 National Employment Social Insurance Survey (ENESS 2017).It is lower than 7 %.With the spread of popular insurance (SEGURO POPULAR) introduced in 2004 (Note 1, see the business shorts dated August 30, 2013), the coverage of health insurance has risen rapidly since the 2000s.On the other hand, President Andres Manuel Lopez Oblador abolished popular insurance in August 2019.Instead, he submitted a bill to the Diet to establish the National Welfare Health Organization (INSABI).The bill passed the Diet in November of the same year.The law revision was promulgated by the official gazette.As a result, all people who have not taken public medical insurance such as IMSS from January 2020 have received free medical services at public hospitals under the jurisdiction of Insabi.However, as of March 2020, Insabi's medical service beneficiary is 26 of the national people..Only 1 %.On the other hand, the participation rate of popular insurance is 49 in the 2015 Interiman on Survey..9 %, 39 in ENESS 2017.It was 3 %.Considering this, it seems that the transition from popular insurance to Insabi has not progressed enough.

The penetration rate of Internet families exceeds 50 %

Looking at the penetration rate of goods and services in each residence, the development of electricity and water and sewage is almost all over the country, except for some remote rural villages.There are only a few houses that cannot use electricity or water supply.Television penetration is also over 90 %.On the other hand, the refrigerator (87).6 %) and washing machine (72).There is still room for the spread of basic white goods such as 8 %).The penetration rate of cars is 46 as of 2020.Five%.2 compared to 10 years ago.The number has only increased by 3 points.

On the other hand, the spread of information and communication technology (ICT) such as mobile phones and the Internet is increasing.The penetration rate of mobile phones to home is 87.5 %, the Internet is 52.1 %, PC 37.It reached 6 %.The Internet household penetration rate is 30 in the past 10 years.Eight points are also expanding.Behind this is the impact of telephone play services with telephone, paid TV, and the Internet as a relatively low price.The penetration rate of paid TV services is 40..6 % exceeds 40 %.

On the other hand, as in other countries, the penetration rate of landline phones is declining in contrast to mobile phones.In addition, the spread of audio equipment such as radio is declining due to the spread of smartphones.

Disagesties to education levels, etc. in the Bahio area

Based on the results of this census, the social population statistics indicators in major states, which have many Japanese companies, are summarized in Table 2.Mexico City, Nue Boreon, where the second largest city, Montelay, Harrisco, where the third city Guadalahara is located, and the manufacturing for exports to the United States developed, the main industrial state of the northern borders (Baha California, Core Wayla, etc.) Life standards and educational levels are generally high.


Source: Created from INEGI "2020 Country Survey" data

On the other hand, how about the central plateau (commonly known as the Bahio area), where Japanese companies have been expanding, mainly in the automotive industry?Keletalo and Aguascharientes have relatively high living standards and education.By the way, Keletalo is an industrial state, where three factories in three areas of automotive parts, aircraft parts, and white goods are accumulated.In addition, in Aguascharientes, Nissan Motor has three factories (including joint ventures with Daimler), and the development of the automotive industry has been remarkable.

On the other hand, in the same Bahio area, Guanfat, Sanuluispotoshi, and Sacatekas (Note 2) are relatively delayed.For example, the completion ratio of higher education is below the national average in three states.Of these, Guanafato is now one of the largest carriers of the automotive industry with five finished car manufacturers.However, historically, it is a state where light industry, such as agriculture and leather footwear, occupied economic activities.For this reason, compared to Keletalo and Agazakarientes, it may still be difficult to hire excellent engineers and skilled workers.