[Thorough comparison] Recommended provider (window) and lines?Let's hold down the confirmation points and points to note!| Getnavi Web Get Navi

By : ilikephone / On : 21/10/2022

When you apply for the Internet, you choose a provider.

A provider refers to a connection company that has the role of connecting the line to the Internet.

In order for users to use the Internet such as optical lines, the provider needs to join the two and connect the user and the Internet.

Users can't use the Internet unless they have contracted with the provider!

There are a number of providers for each net line, so you need to choose a place that can contract and provide easy -to -use services.

Before choosing a provider, first hold down the points you need to check.

[Points to be confirmed in the provider comparison]

  1. エリア
  2. 実質料金
  3. 実測値(実際に出る速度)
  4. スマホとのセット割
  5. キャンペーン内容と条件

In this article, we will thoroughly explain the recommended line and provider (window), as well as the points to be confirmed above!

If you read this article, you can choose without regret.


* Information as of February 2022


First, let's hold down the points to be confirmed by the provider comparison!

Before choosing a line or provider, let's explain the following five important points to check in the provider comparison.

[Points to be confirmed in the provider comparison]

  1. エリア
  2. 実質料金
  3. 実測値(実際に出る速度)
  4. スマホとのセット割
  5. キャンペーン内容と条件

First, make sure that your area and commuting area are in the target area of the line you want to use.

If you are outside the area, you cannot even use the line in the first place.

There are types of lines, there are two types of optical lines and three types of mobile lines.

The area that can be used differs depending on the type of line!

[Type of optical line]

[Mobile line type]

Note that it is a unique line such as NURO Hikari and au Hikari.

The areas that can be contracted have a fixed area, so be sure to check the area.

The target area is accessed to the official page of each line, or if you search for "[line name you want to apply]+[area confirmation]" on the net, please check the area confirmation page.

When comparing the rates, it is important to check at the real price.

The monthly fee is only a part of the fee to be paid, and discounts due to option fees, initial costs, cashback, etc. are not taken into account.

Therefore, all elements should be compared with the real rate of calculating.

The calculation method is as follows!

【Method of calculation】

Real fee during the contract period = (contract month x monthly fee+initial cost -Kashed back)

What you can see in the above formula is the real charge (total amount) during the contract period.

By dividing the total amount by the number of months, you can see the real monthly fee (one month).

When comparing the communication speed, compare it with a measured value, not the maximum speed.

The actual measured value is the "speed that actually came out" when using a line.

The maximum speed is the theoretical maximum speed that can be put out on the line, and is actually affected by the line status and equipment specifications.

Therefore, you should refer to the actual measurement values that have actually appeared.

In order to confirm the measured values, it is a good idea to refer to everyone's net line speed and writing on Twitter.

The set discount of the smartphone is also an important point to reduce the communication cost including the smartphone fee.

I summarized the set discount in the table.

auauひかり So-net光プラス WiMAX ほか電力系光回線最大1,100円最大9回線
ソフトバンクNURO光 ソフトバンク光 モバレコエアー最大1,100円最大10回線

For example, let's compare the case that a docomo user chooses a docomo light and the set discount is applied, or if a line is not applied.


* All prices include tax

In this way, the monthly smartphone fee is very different.

When the line or provider changes, the campaigns we are conducting are different.

You should choose a place where you can use a great deal of campaign, but it is easy to choose because the cashback amount is expensive.

In some cases, the conditions are severe and the campaign cannot be used.

[Example with severe cashback conditions]

Don't choose a campaign with severe conditions as described above.

[Optical line] Thorough comparison of recommended lines and providers (counter)

If you can draw a fixed line at home, we recommend an optical line that can use the net at a stable communication speed.

If you choose a place where you can use a smartphone set discount, you will get a discount on smartphone charges because you can use the smartphone set discount.

Here, we will introduce recommended optical lines!

[Recommended optical line]

In addition to the details of each optical line, we will explain in detail recommended providers and counter.

NURO Hikari is recommended for SoftBank users because the set discount of SoftBank can be used.

If you live in the area, please consider a contract because the speed is particularly fast even in the optical line.

戸建て・マンションミニNURO光 for マンション
セット割名称おうち割 光セット
下り平均速度 ※1499.31Mbps
工事費用44,000円 ※キャンペーンで実質無料
キャンペーン内容・キャッシュバック(公式特設サイト) 戸建て・マンションミニ:最大45,000円 NURO光 for マンション:最大25,000円 ・工事費実質無料 ・ネット開通までの間、ルーター無料貸し出し ・設定サービス一回無料

* All prices include tax ※1:みんなのネット回線速度の2021年10月19日時点のデータより

NURO Hikari is 2Gbps, which is twice the maximum speed of normal optical line, and is very fast.

Therefore, it is the most recommended optical line if you want communication speed!

In addition, SoftBank's set discount can be used, so it is definitely recommended for SoftBank users.

If you apply from NURO Hikari's "Official Special Site", you will get a cashback of up to 45,000 yen!

However, please note that the corresponding area is limited to urban areas.

The provider of NURO Hikari is "So-net integrated type".

The recommended points of NURO Hikari are as follows!

[Recommended point of NURO Hikari]

Click here for details of NURO Hikari official special site

If NURO Hikari is out of the area, SoftBank Hikari, which can use a set discount, is recommended for SoftBank users.

In addition, the set discount is also applied to Softbank Hikari.

セット割名称おうち割 光セット
割引額ソフトバンクユーザー:最大1,100円 ワイモバイルユーザー:最大1,188円
下り平均速度 ※1305.2Mbps
キャンペーン内容・キャッシュバック最大37,000円 ・月額割引キャンペーン ・他社違約金・撤去工事費を最大100,000円還元 ・ネット開通までの間、ルーター無料貸し出し ・オプションサービス初月無料

* All prices include tax ※1:みんなのネット回線速度の2021年10月19日時点のデータより

Softbank users and Y -Mobile users are recommended to use Softbank Hikari, which can use set discounts.

The communication speed is reasonably fast, and if you choose a provider, you can use a great cashback campaign.

Especially recommended is the "STORY" where you can get a cashback of up to 37,000 yen.

Click here for details of SoftBank Hikari x STORY

The official campaign can receive a maximum penalty reduction of 100,000 yen, so there is little burden when switching from another company line.

The SoftBank Hikari Provider is an integrated optical line with the provider Yahoo! BB.

The recommended points of Softbank Hikari are as follows!

[Recommended point of Softbank Hikari]

The same Softbank Hikari distributor "NEXT" as the agency STORY will receive a cashback of up to 37,000 yen in a minimum of 2 months after opening.

However, there is a difference in how to receive cashback.

In the agency STORY, you need to call yourself after opening and convey your account number, but in the agency NEXT, just tell the account number when a folded phone calls the cashback procedure.

If you are worried about receiving cashback, we recommend NEXT.

Click here for details of SoftBank Hikari x NEXT

DOCOMO Hikari is an optical line that can use the set discount of docomo, one of the many optical lines.

Therefore, if you use a docomo smartphone, you will automatically choose DOCOMO Hikari.

下り平均速度 ※1260.02Mbps
工事費用 ※キャンペーンで実質無料19,800円16,500円
キャンペーン内容・キャッシュバック最大20,000円 ・工事費実質無料 ・dポイントを2,000ptプレゼント ・訪問サポート1回分無料 ・v6プラス対応ルーター永年無料レンタル ・セキュリティソフト1年間無料

* All prices include tax ※1:みんなのネット回線速度の2021年10月19日時点のデータより

DOCOMO Hikari is the only optical line that can use a docomo set discount, so docomo users recommend DoCoMo Hikari.

DOCOMO Hikari is an optical collaboration line, so it can be used anywhere in Japan.

The communication speed is not that fast, but you can improve the speed by applying for the V6 plus option!

At the time of application, if you set the provider to "GMO Tokutoku BB", you will get a high cashback.

The recommended application window is "DoCoMo Online Concierge".

We recommend that you apply from DoCoMo Online Concierge and select GMO and BB when selecting a provider.

The recommended points of DoCoMo Hikari are as follows!

[Recommended points for DoCoMo Hikari]

Click here for details of DoCoMo Hikari x DoCoMo Online Concierge

au Hikari is an optical line that can be used with au set discount "au Smart Value", so it is a recommended optical line for au users.

下り平均速度 ※1396.18Mbps
工事費用 ※キャンペーンで実質無料41,250円33,000円
月額料金1年目:5,610円 2年目:5,500円 3年目:5,390円4,180円
契約期間中の実質月額料金4,180円 (3年間)2,193円 (2年間)
キャンペーン内容・キャッシュバック最大65,000円 ・工事費実質無料 ・他社違約金・撤去工事費を最大30,000円還元

* All prices include tax ※1:みんなのネット回線速度の2021年10月19日時点のデータより

au Hikari is an optical line where au smartphone charges are advantageous by applying au Smart Value.

In addition, it is recommended if you want a faster communication speed because it is a unique line.

If you choose an agency NEXT, you can receive a high cashback of up to 65,000 yen.

In addition, you can pay a penalty when you transfer from another company in the official campaign.

However, please note that the Kansai and Tokai areas are not eligible for detached houses!

The recommended points of au Hikari are as follows.

[Recommended points of au Hikari]

Click here for details of au Hikari x NEXT

SO-NET Hikari Plus is an optical line where you can use au Smart Value.

Please consider if au Hikari is outside the target area for au users.

下り平均速度 ※1297.7Mbps
工事費用26,400円 ※キャンペーンで実質無料
キャンペーン内容・キャッシュバック60,000円 ・工事費実質無料 ・v6プラス対応無線ルーター永年無料レンタル ・訪問サポート1回分無料

* All prices include tax ※1:みんなのネット回線速度の2021年10月19日時点のデータより

SO-NET Hikari Plus is an optical line where you can use au smartphone set discount.

Since it is a Hikari collaboration line, it can be used all over Japan, so it is a good idea to consider if au Hikari is out of the target area.

The communication speed is not so fast, but if you add a V6 plus option, you can improve the speed.

If you apply from the SO-NET official website, you will get a cashback of up to 60,000 yen, so it is very advantageous.

The recommended points of So-net Hikari Plus are as follows!

[SO-NET Hikari Plus Recommended Points]

Click here for details on the So-net official website

[Home router] Thorough comparison of recommended lines and providers (window)

We have introduced the recommended provider and window for optical lines, but construction is required when using an optical line.

【徹底比較】おすすめプロバイダ(窓口)&回線はどこ? 確認ポイントや注意点も押さえよう! | GetNavi web ゲットナビ

If you live in a house where construction is prohibited, you will not be able to use the optical line, so you will need to choose from other options.

In such a case, we recommend the "home router".

The recommended lines are as follows!

[Recommended line of home router]

Here, I will explain the details of each line and the recommended window.

BROAD WIMAX has a lot of great campaigns among WiMAX providers.

If you want to use 5G communication, or if you want to sign a great deal using the campaign, choose a Broad WiMAX.

【Broad WiMAXの概要】
使用回線WiMAX 2+ au 4G LTE WiMAX5G
スマホセット割auスマホが「auスマホ割プラン」で最大1,100円割引 UQモバイルが「ギガMAX月割」で最大550円割引
月額料金1〜2ヶ月:2,999円 3~24ヶ月:3,753円 25ヶ月目~:4,413円1〜2ヶ月:2,090円 3~36ヶ月:3,894円 37ヶ月目~:4,708円
キャンペーン内容・月額料金割引 ・端末代金0円 ・限定キャッシュバック最大5,000円

* All prices include tax

In the normal plan of BROAD WIMAX, there are many discounted campaigns such as monthly fee discount, terminal price 0 yen, limited cashback.

The WiMAX line has a stable communication speed, so it is also recommended for those who seek communication quality.

However, the normal plan will be gone, and only the 5G plan will gradually!

If you are worried about which plan is suitable, we recommend the 5G plan for BROAD WIMAX.

The recommended points of BROAD WIMAX are as follows.

[Recommended points for BROAD WIMAX]

Click here for details on BROAD WIMAX

Mobaleko Air is the most dealing provider in the SoftBank Air provider.

If you want to use SoftBank Air at a little cheaper, you can choose Mobaleko Air.

スマホセット割ソフトバンク・ワイモバイルユーザーなら おうち割 光セットでスマホ料金が毎月最大1,100円割引
月額料金0〜1ヶ月:2,167円 2〜23ヶ月:3,679円 24ヶ月目~5,368円
キャンペーン内容・キャッシュバック最大17,000円 ・月額料金割引

* All prices include tax

Mobaleko Air is a home router where you can get a cashback of up to 17,000 yen.

Although the line speed is inferior to optical lines, there is no problem using services such as YouTube.

The recommended points of Mobaleko Air are as follows.

[Recommended points for Mobaleko Air]

Click here for details of Mobare Rear

[Pocket type WiFi] Thorough comparison of recommended lines and providers (window)

For those who want to use the Internet on the go, we recommend pocket type WiFi.

Pocket type WiFi has different lines to select depending on the difference in used lines, data capacity, and contract period.

Here, we will introduce the line and data capacity, and recommended lines for each contract period.

[Recommended pocket type WiFi]

If you want to sign a great deal at the campaign's abundant window, we recommend Broad WiMAX.

【Broad WiMAXの概要】
使用回線WiMAX 2+ au 4G LTE WiMAX5G
スマホセット割auスマホが「auスマホ割プラン」で最大1,100円割引 UQモバイルが「ギガMAX月割」で最大550円割引
月額料金1〜2ヶ月:2,999円 3~24ヶ月:3,753円 25ヶ月目~:4,413円1〜2ヶ月:2,090円 3~36ヶ月:3,894円 37ヶ月目~:4,708円
キャンペーン内容・月額料金割引 ・端末代金0円 ・限定キャッシュバック最大5,000円

* All prices include tax

BROAD WIMAX is a provider with abundant campaigns such as monthly fee discount, terminal price 0 yen, limited cashback.

You can apply for a limited cashback from this site.

If you apply from the above site, a cashback will be transferred six months after the start of use.

I'm happy to get a cashback!

In addition, you can receive a monthly fee discount without application, so the real charge is very cheap.

The table that compares the fact that the actual price of the same data capacity WiMAX provider is low is as follows.

Vision WiMAX通常4,516円
Broad WiMAX通常3,876円
GMOとくとくBB WiMAX通常3,881円
DTI WiMAX通常3,967円

* All prices include tax

There are some places cheaper than BROAD WIMAX, but BROAD WIMAX is a major provider, so it is most recommended because it has a lot of support and has a lot of campaigns.

Most of the Broad WiMAX discounts account for the monthly fee discounts that do not require application, so it is good that those who are likely to forget to apply can benefit with confidence.

Regarding communication quality, the WiMAX line has a stable communication speed, so it is recommended for those who seek speed.

There is also a 5G communication plan, so if you live in a 5G area, you may choose it.

The recommended points of BROAD WIMAX are as follows.

[Recommended points for BROAD WIMAX]

Click here for details on BROAD WIMAX

If you don't know when to cancel, you shouldn't have a contract period.

縛られないコース (約100GB)1年おトクコース (約100GB)

* All prices include tax ※WiMAXプラン

In the case of a wifi (WiMAX) that is not bound, there is no difference between the actual price of a plan without a contract period and a contract period.

The table that compares the fact that the actual price is low in the same WiMAX provider's contract period of the same data capacity is as follows.


* All prices include tax

There are very few places where the contract period is tied with WiMAX, and you can see that the wifi that is not tied is the cheapest.

Normally, the monthly fee is high without a contract period, but WiFi that is not tied is not that expensive.

Therefore, it is recommended for those who want to contract a plan without a contract period at a low price.

Moreover, the communication quality is high because it is a WiMAX line!

WiFi's WiFi WiMAX plan is recommended for those who do not know when to cancel, do not intend to use it for a long time, or want a data capacity of about 100GB.

The recommended points of WiFi that are not tied are as follows.

[Recommended points for wifi that are not bound]

Click here for details of wifi that is not tied up

If you don't use much data or know when to cancel, MONSTER Mobile is recommended.

下り平均速度 ※1
データ容量20GB 50GB2GB/日(月間62GB) 3GB/日(月間93GB) 5GB/日(月間155GB)
端末代金0円 (レンタル)
月額料金20GB:2,640円 50GB:3,190円2GB/日:3,278円 3GB/日:3,828円 5GB/日:4,378円
1年間実質月額料金20GB:2,894円 50GB:3,444円2GB/日:3,532円 3GB/日:4,082円 5GB/日:4,632円

* All prices include tax ※1 みんなのネット回線速度の2021年10月19日時点のデータより

Plan without a contract period for MONSTER MOBILE is relatively low, as shown in the table above.

The table comparing the amount of data is 50GB and the real charge without a contract period is low.


* All prices include tax

As shown in the table above, MONSTER Mobile is the cheapest.

If you don't need much monthly data, a low -month monthly small -capacity plan is recommended.

If the amount of data is small, the monthly fee is low, so you will not be bothered even if it gets a little higher because there is no contract period.

In particular, MONSTER MOBILE has a wide variety of plans from small capacity to large capacity, and has a reputation for its low capacity plan.

MONSTER MOBILE is recommended if the amount of data may be small or when you do not know when to cancel.

The recommended points of MONSTER MOBILE are as follows.

[Recommended points for MONSTER Mobile]

Click here for details of MONSTER Mobile

If you don't use much data and are as cheap as possible, MONSTER Mobile is recommended.

下り平均速度 ※1
データ容量20GB 50GB2GB/日(月間62GB) 3GB/日(月間93GB) 5GB/日(月間155GB)
端末代金0円 (レンタル)
月額料金20GB:2,090円 50GB:2,640円2GB/日:2,728円 3GB/日:3,278円 5GB/日:3,828円
1年間実質月額料金20GB:2,344円 50GB:2,894円2GB/日:2,982円 3GB/日:3,532円 5GB/日:4,082円

* All prices include tax ※1 みんなのネット回線速度の2021年10月19日時点のデータより

As shown in the table above, the MONSTER Mobile's contract period is one year, which is very low in real rates.

The table comparing the amount of data is 50GB and the real charge with a contract period tied is as follows.

Ex Wi-Fi2年3,080円

* All prices include tax

As shown in the table above, MONSTER Mobile is the cheapest.

If you plan to use it for more than a year, it is recommended that you have a cheap contract for a little cheap contract period.

It's easy to use when you use it for more than a year, but you don't know if you use it for two or three years ...!

In addition, MONSTER MOBILE has a wide variety of plans from small capacity to large capacity, especially low -capacity plans.

Therefore, it is highly recommended for those who want to use small capacity plans at a little cheaper.

The recommended points of MONSTER MOBILE are as follows.

[Recommended points for MONSTER Mobile]

Click here for details of MONSTER Mobile

If you want a certain amount of data or do not know when to cancel, Air-WiFi is recommended.

下り平均速度 ※122.62Mbps
端末代金0円 (レンタル)

* All prices include tax ※1 みんなのネット回線速度の2021年10月19日時点のデータより

As shown in the table above, Air-WiFi (crisp plan) is attractive because of the low real charge even in a plan without a contract period.

Normally, the monthly fee is high without a contract period, but Air-WiFi (crisp plan) is not so high.

Moreover, the amount of data is 100GB per month, so it is enough to use data to some extent.

The table comparing the amount of data is 100GB and the real charge without a contract period is low.

Mugen WiFi3,593円
AiR-WiFi (サクッとプラン)3,862円

* All prices include tax

As shown in the table above, you can see that Air-WiFi is cheaper.

The reason why it is cheaper without a contract period with 100GB and medium capacity is that the terminal is rental.

It is necessary to return the terminal at the time of cancellation, but it is a great advantage that it is cheap without a contract period.

Please note that if you cannot return the terminal within the deadline at the time of cancellation, you may be charged for damages!

It is recommended for those who want to use a medium -capacity data of about 100GB but do not know when to cancel.

The recommended points of Air-WiFi are as follows.

[Recommended points for Air-Wifi]

Click here for details of Air-Wifi

If you want to use the data capacity of about 100GB or want to make it as cheap as possible, THE WIFI is recommended.

【THE WiFiの概要】
下り平均速度 ※111.93Mbps
月額料金 (THE WiFiライトプラン)0~3ヶ月目:0円 4ヶ月目~:3,828円

* All prices include tax ※1 みんなのネット回線速度の2021年10月19日時点のデータより

As shown in the table above, The WiFi is attractive because it can use 100GB of data per month, and that the real charge is very cheap.

The table comparing the amount of data is 100GB and the real charge with a contract period tied is as follows.

THE WiFi2年3,304円
Mugen WiFi2年3,310円
AiR-WiFi (サクッとプラン)1年3,410円
AiR-WiFi (らくらくプラン)1年3,509円

* All prices include tax

As shown in the table above, the wifi is the cheapest.

In the first three months, the monthly fee is 0 yen and the administrative fee is low, so the real charge is very low.

The point is that the terminal is rental.

It is recommended for those who want to use it at a little cheaper, which is not particular about the terminal.

However, please note that if you cannot return the terminal within the deadline, you may be charged for damages if you cannot return the terminal within the deadline.

The recommended points of The WiFi are as follows.

[Recommended points of The WiFi]

Click here for details of The Wifi

If you want to use a large -capacity data of 200GB per month or do not have a contract period, WiFi is more recommended than anywhere.

下り平均速度 ※115.81Mbps
端末代金0円 (レンタル)

* All prices include tax ※1 みんなのネット回線速度の2021年10月19日時点のデータより

The pocket -type WiFi with a data volume of about 200GB and the contract period is only wifi than anywhere else.

So you'll automatically choose WiFi than anywhere.

The real charge will be higher because there is no contract period, but there will be no loss in consideration of the penalty.

If you do not intend to use it for a long time, it is recommended that you do not tie the contract period.

WiFi is highly recommended for those who want to use large -capacity data, but do not know when to cancel, so it is good to not tie up the contract period.

However, since the terminal is a rental item, if you cannot return the terminal within the deadline at the time of cancellation, you may be charged for damages!

Be careful not to lose or damage when using the terminal.

The recommended points of WiFi are as follows.

[Recommended points for WiFi than anywhere]

Click here for details of wifi than anywhere else

If you want to use large-capacity data of about 210GB per month, we recommend Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi.

【hi-ho Let’s WiFiの概要】
下り平均速度 ※127.92Mbps
月額料金0~11ヶ月目:3,278円 12ヶ月目~:4,730円
キャンペーン内容・Let’sお試しキャンペーンで30日返金保証 ・端末代金0円

* All prices include tax ※1 みんなのネット回線速度の2021年10月19日時点のデータより

As shown in the table above, Hi-Ho Let's WiFi can use 210GB of large-capacity data per month, but it is nice that the real charge is very cheap.

Only the following two companies have a contract period of about 200GB and the contract period.

hi-ho Let’s WiFi2年4,033円

* All prices include tax

As shown in the table above, Hi-Ho Let's Wifi is the cheapest.

For the first year, the monthly fee discount is applied and the real charge has dropped, and the monthly data is 210GB, which is large.

However, be careful because the amount of data you can use is 7GB a day, not 210GB per month.

Hi-Ho Let's WiFi has a 30-day trial campaign, so you can try out enough data capacity and how to communicate.

It is a good idea to use this trial campaign to try it once and then formally contract.

The recommended points of Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi are as follows.

[Recommended points for Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi]

Click here for details of Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi

Frequently asked questions and precautions in provider comparison

Here are some frequently asked questions and precautions when comparing providers.

[Frequently asked questions and precautions in provider comparison]

The points to be confirmed are as follows.

[Points to be confirmed in the provider comparison]

  1. エリア
  2. 実質料金
  3. 実測値(実際に出る速度)
  4. スマホとのセット割
  5. キャンペーン内容と条件

Click here for details."please look at.

In the case of an apartment, it cannot be opened without permission.

It is necessary to obtain the permission of the management company and landlord.

Please note that in the worst case, if you do it without permission, you may recover the original state or be claimed for damages.

If it is difficult to do construction, consider "home router" or "pocket type WiFi".

When switching the optical line, switching to a non -renewal month will cost a high cancellation cost.

Therefore, if a cancellation fee is charged, we recommend that you switch to a line that will bear other companies' mistakes.

When switching the optical line, the possibility of taking over depends on where you numbered the number and where to switch.

The number of numbers depends on the analog number and the optical number.

[What is analog number and light number?]

If you are not sure, check the number of your number in the following inquiry.

[NTT inquiry]

Depending on how to start, the takeover may be different as follows.

ソフトバンク光のホワイト光電話△ (アナログ戻しが必要)
ソフトバンク光のホワイト光電話光電話△ (アナログ戻しが必要)

An analog return is a method of temporarily subscribing to the analog phone, switches the line, and then returns it to an optical phone again.

If you want to return the analog, please contact the NTT in your jurisdiction.

フレッツ光 光コラボ回線フレッツ光 光コラボ回線
auひかり NURO光 ソフトバンク光 (ホワイト光電話・BBフォン)×
ソフトバンク光 (ホワイト光電話・BBフォン) NURO光 auひかりすべての光電話×


In this article, we explained in detail about important information when choosing an Internet line.

The Internet line recommended by this article is as follows.


In this article, we explained detailed information for each recommended line and the most advantageous providers and counter.

Read this article and apply for the most suitable online line from a special provider or window!
