Who invented an incandescent bulb?In fact, Edison is not the first

By : ilikephone / On : 26/02/2023

Today, October 21 is set as "Akari no Day" by the three organizations of the Japan Lighting Industry Association, the Lighting Society, and the Nippon Electric Association.

This day is stipulated on the "Akari Day" due to the feat of the British inventor Thomas Edison, 1847-1931.On October 21, 1879, he had 13 incandescent light bulbs his own invented..It was lit for 5 hours in a row.This is known as the first step in developing Edison's practical incandescent bulbs.

In fact, Edison is the first inventor ... isn't it?

As a result, Edison has been recognized by many people as an "incandescent light bulb inventor."However, there are actually people who have invented incandescent bulbs before Edison.

白熱電球を発明したのは誰? じつはエジソンが最初ではありません

Its name is Joseph Wilson Swan, 1828-1914.He was studying physics in the UK and succeeded in the invention of an incandescent bulb about a year earlier than Edison.


At present, what Edison is considered for the inventor of incandescent bulbs and many may be the reason for the further extension of the lighting time, and above all, the spread of light bulbs. not.

When Edison succeeded in practical use, the filament of the light bulb was said to have been coated with cotton thread.However, Edison, who thought that it could not be commercialized unless the life was further extended, tried a filament of various materials.

Then, a filament using bamboo used for a Chinese fan records a 200 -hour lighting.

Edison, which is close to Japan

Edison, who created filament with bamboo around the world, eventually invented an incandescent bulb that lasts 1200 hours for a long time.The bamboo used at this time was a bamboo that grew in Ishimizu Hachimangu Shrine in Kyoto Prefecture.

Edison also had a closer relationship with Japan, with other assistants called Yoshiro Okabe (1884-1945).

現在の白熱電球の多くでは、タングステンという元素を主成分としたフィラメントが使われている現在、「あかりの日」は、照明文化の向上が持つ意義をあらためて認識するとともに、環境にも考慮したより良い照明のあり方を考える機会として捉えられています。「あかりの日」委員会は、全国の小学生によるポスターコンクールを実施し、また「住まいの照明 省エネBOOK」で21世紀の照明であるLEDについて紹介しています。記事をツイート記事をシェア記事をブックマーク