"The clothes of the person who take off and put it in the washing machine smell" should not be fully automatic [2020 BEST5] Your washing method is wrong.

By : ilikephone / On : 07/12/2022

2020年(1~12月)、プレジデントオンラインで反響の大きかった記事ベスト5をお届けします。暮らし部門の第1位は——。(初公開日:2020年12月18日)なぜ部屋干しだと洗濯物が臭うのか。『日本一の洗濯屋が教える 間違いだらけの洗濯術』(アスコム)を出した「洗濯ブラザーズ」の茂木康之氏は「すすぎの水が不足していると、せっかく離れた汚れが、また繊維に戻ってしまう。洗濯機を全自動設定からマニュアルにして水量を増やし、『洗い』と『脱水』の時間を変えればいい」という――。

* This article is a re -edited part of the laundry brothers, "Washing, the best laundry in Japan," (Ascom).


I think most people use a fully automatic washing machine.

「脱いでそのまま洗濯機に入れる人の服は臭い」洗濯は全自動にしてはいけない【2020年BEST5】 あなたの洗濯の方法は間違っている

The fully automatic washing machine has a sensor in the washing tub, measuring the weight and volume of the laundry, automatically calculates the amount of water, and presses the start button.It is very convenient, but from the perspective of "removing dirt firmly", it must be said that this convenience is an enemy.

Because Japanese washing machines are automatically in water -saving mode.From the perspective of our professionals, the amount of water is overwhelmingly insufficient.Water saving is very important, but if there is little water at the washing stage, the dirt will not come up firmly.

In addition, if water is insufficient when rinsing is rinsed, the dirt that is far away will return to the fiber (!).The unpleasant smell of drying the room, yellowing, and darkening occur because of this.So professionals value the amount of water volume very much.This is the best point of washing.

If you are a washing machine for home use, you can increase the amount of water one step on the basic settings or make it even more water (even a day with less laundry).Then the clothes move well in the washing tub, so the dirt will remove it firmly.

In addition, the drum type washing machine has few water when rinsing, so it is recommended to set the rinsing to "water injection".Usually, the water accumulated in the washing tub immediately, but the water injection will rinse while pouring more and more new water, so the water used will increase.

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